Source code for spotify.session

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import logging
import warnings
import weakref

import spotify
import spotify.connection
import spotify.player
from spotify import ffi, lib, serialized, utils

__all__ = ["Session", "SessionEvent"]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Session(utils.EventEmitter): """The Spotify session. If no ``config`` is provided, the default config is used. The session object will emit a number of events. See :class:`SessionEvent` for a list of all available events and how to connect your own listener functions up to get called when the events happens. .. warning:: You can only have one :class:`Session` instance per process. This is a libspotify limitation. If you create a second :class:`Session` instance in the same process pyspotify will raise a :exc:`RuntimeError` with the message "Session has already been initialized". :param config: the session config :type config: :class:`Config` or :class:`None` """ @serialized def __init__(self, config=None): super(Session, self).__init__() if spotify._session_instance is not None: raise RuntimeError("Session has already been initialized") if config is not None: self.config = config else: self.config = spotify.Config() if self.config.application_key is None: self.config.load_application_key_file() sp_session_ptr ="sp_session **") spotify.Error.maybe_raise( lib.sp_session_create(self.config._sp_session_config, sp_session_ptr) ) self._sp_session = ffi.gc(sp_session_ptr[0], lib.sp_session_release) self._cache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self._emitters = [] self._callback_handles = set() self.connection = spotify.connection.Connection(self) self.offline = spotify.offline.Offline(self) self.player = spotify.player.Player(self) = spotify._session_instance = self _cache = None """A mapping from sp_* objects to their corresponding Python instances. The ``_cached`` helper constructors on wrapper objects use this cache for finding and returning existing alive wrapper objects for the sp_* object it is about to create a wrapper for. The cache *does not* keep objects alive. It's only a means for looking up the objects if they are kept alive somewhere else in the application. Internal attribute. """ _emitters = None """A list of event emitters with attached listeners. When an event emitter has attached event listeners, we must keep the emitter alive for as long as the listeners are attached. This is achieved by adding them to this list. When creating wrapper objects around sp_* objects we must also return the existing wrapper objects instead of creating new ones so that the set of event listeners on the wrapper object can be modified. This is achieved with a combination of this list and the :attr:`_cache` mapping. Internal attribute. """ _callback_handles = None """A set of handles returned by :meth:`spotify.ffi.new_handle`. These must be kept alive for the handle to remain valid until the callback arrives, even if the end user does not maintain a reference to the object the callback works on. Internal attribute. """ config = None """A :class:`Config` instance with the current configuration. Once the session has been created, changing the attributes of this object will generally have no effect. """ connection = None """An :class:`~spotify.connection.Connection` instance for controlling the connection to the Spotify servers.""" offline = None """An :class:`~spotify.offline.Offline` instance for controlling offline sync.""" player = None """A :class:`~spotify.player.Player` instance for controlling playback.""" social = None """A :class:`` instance for controlling social sharing.""" def login(self, username, password=None, remember_me=False, blob=None): """Authenticate to Spotify's servers. You can login with one of two combinations: - ``username`` and ``password`` - ``username`` and ``blob`` To get the ``blob`` string, you must once log in with ``username`` and ``password``. You'll then get the ``blob`` string passed to the :attr:`~SessionCallbacks.credentials_blob_updated` callback. If you set ``remember_me`` to :class:`True`, you can later login to the same account without providing any ``username`` or credentials by calling :meth:`relogin`. """ username = utils.to_char(username) if password is not None: password = utils.to_char(password) blob = ffi.NULL elif blob is not None: password = ffi.NULL blob = utils.to_char(blob) else: raise AttributeError("password or blob is required to login") spotify.Error.maybe_raise( lib.sp_session_login( self._sp_session, username, password, bool(remember_me), blob ) ) def logout(self): """Log out the current user. If you logged in with the ``remember_me`` argument set to :class:`True`, you will also need to call :meth:`forget_me` to completely remove all credentials of the user that was logged in. """ spotify.Error.maybe_raise(lib.sp_session_logout(self._sp_session)) @property def remembered_user_name(self): """The username of the remembered user from a previous :meth:`login` call.""" return utils.get_with_growing_buffer( lib.sp_session_remembered_user, self._sp_session ) def relogin(self): """Relogin as the remembered user. To be able do this, you must previously have logged in with :meth:`login` with the ``remember_me`` argument set to :class:`True`. To check what user you'll be logged in as if you call this method, see :attr:`remembered_user_name`. """ spotify.Error.maybe_raise(lib.sp_session_relogin(self._sp_session)) def forget_me(self): """Forget the remembered user from a previous :meth:`login` call.""" spotify.Error.maybe_raise(lib.sp_session_forget_me(self._sp_session)) @property @serialized def user(self): """The logged in :class:`User`.""" sp_user = lib.sp_session_user(self._sp_session) if sp_user == ffi.NULL: return None return spotify.User(self, sp_user=sp_user, add_ref=True) @property @serialized def user_name(self): """The username of the logged in user.""" return utils.to_unicode(lib.sp_session_user_name(self._sp_session)) @property @serialized def user_country(self): """The country of the currently logged in user. The :attr:`~SessionEvent.OFFLINE_STATUS_UPDATED` event is emitted on the session object when this changes. """ return utils.to_country(lib.sp_session_user_country(self._sp_session)) @property @serialized def playlist_container(self): """The :class:`PlaylistContainer` for the currently logged in user. .. warning:: The playlists API was broken at 2018-05-24 by a server-side change made by Spotify. The functionality was never restored. Please use the Spotify Web API to work with playlists. """ warnings.warn( "Spotify broke the libspotify playlists API 2018-05-24 " "and never restored it. " "Please use the Spotify Web API to work with playlists." ) sp_playlistcontainer = lib.sp_session_playlistcontainer(self._sp_session) if sp_playlistcontainer == ffi.NULL: return None return spotify.PlaylistContainer._cached( self, sp_playlistcontainer, add_ref=True ) @property def inbox(self): """The inbox :class:`Playlist` for the currently logged in user. .. warning:: The playlists API was broken at 2018-05-24 by a server-side change made by Spotify. The functionality was never restored. Please use the Spotify Web API to work with playlists. """ warnings.warn( "Spotify broke the libspotify playlists API 2018-05-24 " "and never restored it. " "Please use the Spotify Web API to work with playlists." ) sp_playlist = lib.sp_session_inbox_create(self._sp_session) if sp_playlist == ffi.NULL: return None return spotify.Playlist._cached(self, sp_playlist=sp_playlist, add_ref=False) def set_cache_size(self, size): """Set maximum size in MB for libspotify's cache. If set to 0 (the default), up to 10% of the free disk space will be used.""" spotify.Error.maybe_raise(lib.sp_session_set_cache_size(self._sp_session, size)) def flush_caches(self): """Write all cached data to disk. libspotify does this regularly and on logout, so you should never need to call this method yourself. """ spotify.Error.maybe_raise(lib.sp_session_flush_caches(self._sp_session)) def preferred_bitrate(self, bitrate): """Set preferred :class:`Bitrate` for music streaming.""" spotify.Error.maybe_raise( lib.sp_session_preferred_bitrate(self._sp_session, bitrate) ) def preferred_offline_bitrate(self, bitrate, allow_resync=False): """Set preferred :class:`Bitrate` for offline sync. If ``allow_resync`` is :class:`True` libspotify may resynchronize already synced tracks. """ spotify.Error.maybe_raise( lib.sp_session_preferred_offline_bitrate( self._sp_session, bitrate, allow_resync ) ) @property def volume_normalization(self): """Whether volume normalization is active or not. Set to :class:`True` or :class:`False` to change. """ return bool(lib.sp_session_get_volume_normalization(self._sp_session)) @volume_normalization.setter def volume_normalization(self, value): spotify.Error.maybe_raise( lib.sp_session_set_volume_normalization(self._sp_session, value) ) def process_events(self): """Process pending events in libspotify. This method must be called for most callbacks to be called. Without calling this method, you'll only get the callbacks that are called from internal libspotify threads. When the :attr:`~SessionEvent.NOTIFY_MAIN_THREAD` event is emitted (from an internal libspotify thread), it's your job to make sure this method is called (from the thread you use for accessing Spotify), so that further callbacks can be triggered (from the same thread). pyspotify provides an :class:`~spotify.EventLoop` that you can use for processing events when needed. """ next_timeout ="int *") spotify.Error.maybe_raise( lib.sp_session_process_events(self._sp_session, next_timeout) ) return next_timeout[0] def inbox_post_tracks(self, canonical_username, tracks, message, callback=None): """Post a ``message`` and one or more ``tracks`` to the inbox of the user with the given ``canonical_username``. ``tracks`` can be a single :class:`~spotify.Track` or a list of :class:`~spotify.Track` objects. Returns an :class:`InboxPostResult` that can be used to check if the request completed successfully. If callback isn't :class:`None`, it is called with an :class:`InboxPostResult` instance when the request has completed. """ return spotify.InboxPostResult( self, canonical_username, tracks, message, callback ) def get_starred(self, canonical_username=None): """Get the starred :class:`Playlist` for the user with ``canonical_username``. .. warning:: The playlists API was broken at 2018-05-24 by a server-side change made by Spotify. The functionality was never restored. Please use the Spotify Web API to work with playlists. If ``canonical_username`` isn't specified, the starred playlist for the currently logged in user is returned. """ warnings.warn( "Spotify broke the libspotify playlists API 2018-05-24 " "and never restored it. " "Please use the Spotify Web API to work with playlists." ) if canonical_username is None: sp_playlist = lib.sp_session_starred_create(self._sp_session) else: sp_playlist = lib.sp_session_starred_for_user_create( self._sp_session, utils.to_bytes(canonical_username) ) if sp_playlist == ffi.NULL: return None return spotify.Playlist._cached(self, sp_playlist, add_ref=False) def get_published_playlists(self, canonical_username=None): """Get the :class:`PlaylistContainer` of published playlists for the user with ``canonical_username``. .. warning:: The playlists API was broken at 2018-05-24 by a server-side change made by Spotify. The functionality was never restored. Please use the Spotify Web API to work with playlists. If ``canonical_username`` isn't specified, the published container for the currently logged in user is returned. """ warnings.warn( "Spotify broke the libspotify playlists API 2018-05-24 " "and never restored it. " "Please use the Spotify Web API to work with playlists." ) if canonical_username is None: canonical_username = ffi.NULL else: canonical_username = utils.to_bytes(canonical_username) sp_playlistcontainer = lib.sp_session_publishedcontainer_for_user_create( self._sp_session, canonical_username ) if sp_playlistcontainer == ffi.NULL: return None return spotify.PlaylistContainer._cached( self, sp_playlistcontainer, add_ref=False ) def get_link(self, uri): """ Get :class:`Link` from any Spotify URI. A link can be created from a string containing a Spotify URI on the form ``spotify:...``. Example:: >>> session = spotify.Session() # ... >>> session.get_link( ... 'spotify:track:2Foc5Q5nqNiosCNqttzHof') Link('spotify:track:2Foc5Q5nqNiosCNqttzHof') >>> session.get_link( ... '') Link('spotify:track:4wl1dK5dHGp3Ig51stvxb0') """ return spotify.Link(self, uri=uri) def get_track(self, uri): """ Get :class:`Track` from a Spotify track URI. Example:: >>> session = spotify.Session() # ... >>> track = session.get_track( ... 'spotify:track:2Foc5Q5nqNiosCNqttzHof') >>> track.load().name u'Get Lucky' """ return spotify.Track(self, uri=uri) def get_local_track(self, artist=None, title=None, album=None, length=None): """ Get :class:`Track` for a local track. Spotify's official clients supports adding your local music files to Spotify so they can be played in the Spotify client. These are not synced with Spotify's servers or between your devices and there is not trace of them in your Spotify user account. The exception is when you add one of these local tracks to a playlist or mark them as starred. This creates a "local track" which pyspotify also will be able to observe. "Local tracks" can be recognized in several ways: - The track's URI will be of the form ``spotify:local:ARTIST:ALBUM:TITLE:LENGTH_IN_SECONDS``. Any of the parts in all caps can be left out if there is no information available. That is, ``spotify:local::::`` is a valid local track URI. - :attr:`Link.type` will be :class:`LinkType.LOCALTRACK` for the track's link. - :attr:`Track.is_local` will be :class:`True` for the track. This method can be used to create local tracks that can be starred or added to playlists. ``artist`` may be an artist name. ``title`` may be a track name. ``album`` may be an album name. ``length`` may be a track length in milliseconds. Note that when creating a local track you provide the length in milliseconds, while the local track URI contains the length in seconds. """ if artist is None: artist = "" if title is None: title = "" if album is None: album = "" if length is None: length = -1 artist = utils.to_char(artist) title = utils.to_char(title) album = utils.to_char(album) sp_track = lib.sp_localtrack_create(artist, title, album, length) return spotify.Track(self, sp_track=sp_track, add_ref=False) def get_album(self, uri): """ Get :class:`Album` from a Spotify album URI. Example:: >>> session = spotify.Session() # ... >>> album = session.get_album( ... 'spotify:album:6wXDbHLesy6zWqQawAa91d') >>> album.load().name u'Forward / Return' """ return spotify.Album(self, uri=uri) def get_artist(self, uri): """ Get :class:`Artist` from a Spotify artist URI. Example:: >>> session = spotify.Session() # ... >>> artist = session.get_artist( ... 'spotify:artist:22xRIphSN7IkPVbErICu7s') >>> artist.load().name u'Rob Dougan' """ return spotify.Artist(self, uri=uri) def get_playlist(self, uri): """ Get :class:`Playlist` from a Spotify playlist URI. .. warning:: The playlists API was broken at 2018-05-24 by a server-side change made by Spotify. The functionality was never restored. Please use the Spotify Web API to work with playlists. Example:: >>> session = spotify.Session() # ... >>> playlist = session.get_playlist( ... 'spotify:user:fiat500c:playlist:54k50VZdvtnIPt4d8RBCmZ') >>> playlist.load().name u'500C feelgood playlist' """ warnings.warn( "Spotify broke the libspotify playlists API 2018-05-24 " "and never restored it. " "Please use the Spotify Web API to work with playlists." ) return spotify.Playlist(self, uri=uri) def get_user(self, uri): """ Get :class:`User` from a Spotify user URI. Example:: >>> session = spotify.Session() # ... >>> user = session.get_user('spotify:user:jodal') >>> user.load().display_name u'jodal' """ return spotify.User(self, uri=uri) def get_image(self, uri, callback=None): """ Get :class:`Image` from a Spotify image URI. If ``callback`` isn't :class:`None`, it is expected to be a callable that accepts a single argument, an :class:`Image` instance, when the image is done loading. Example:: >>> session = spotify.Session() # ... >>> image = session.get_image( ... 'spotify:image:a0bdcbe11b5cd126968e519b5ed1050b0e8183d0') >>> image.load().data_uri[:50] u'' """ return spotify.Image(self, uri=uri, callback=callback) def search( self, query, callback=None, track_offset=0, track_count=20, album_offset=0, album_count=20, artist_offset=0, artist_count=20, playlist_offset=0, playlist_count=20, search_type=None, ): """ Search Spotify for tracks, albums, artists, and playlists matching ``query``. .. warning:: The search API was broken at 2016-02-03 by a server-side change made by Spotify. The functionality was never restored. Please use the Spotify Web API to perform searches. The ``query`` string can be free format, or use some prefixes like ``title:`` and ``artist:`` to limit what to match on. There is no official docs on the search query format, but there's a `Spotify blog post <>`_ from 2008 with some examples. If ``callback`` isn't :class:`None`, it is expected to be a callable that accepts a single argument, a :class:`Search` instance, when the search completes. The ``*_offset`` and ``*_count`` arguments can be used to retrieve more search results. libspotify will currently not respect ``*_count`` values higher than 200, though this may change at any time as the limit isn't documented in any official docs. If you want to retrieve more than 200 results, you'll have to search multiple times with different ``*_offset`` values. See the ``*_total`` attributes on the :class:`Search` to see how many results exists, and to figure out how many searches you'll need to make to retrieve everything. ``search_type`` is a :class:`SearchType` value. It defaults to :attr:`SearchType.STANDARD`. Returns a :class:`Search` instance. """ raise Exception( "Spotify broke the libspotify search API 2016-02-03 " "and never restored it." ) def get_toplist( self, type=None, region=None, canonical_username=None, callback=None ): """Get a :class:`Toplist` of artists, albums, or tracks that are the currently most popular worldwide or in a specific region. ``type`` is a :class:`ToplistType` instance that specifies the type of toplist to create. ``region`` is either a :class:`ToplistRegion` instance, or a 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code as a unicode string, that specifies the geographical region to create a toplist for. If ``region`` is :attr:`ToplistRegion.USER` and ``canonical_username`` isn't specified, the region of the current user will be used. If ``canonical_username`` is specified, the region of the specified user will be used instead. If ``callback`` isn't :class:`None`, it is expected to be a callable that accepts a single argument, a :class:`Toplist` instance, when the toplist request completes. Example:: >>> import spotify >>> session = spotify.Session() # ... >>> toplist = session.get_toplist( ... type=spotify.ToplistType.TRACKS, region='US') >>> toplist.load() >>> len(toplist.tracks) 100 >>> len(toplist.artists) 0 >>> toplist.tracks[0] Track(u'spotify:track:2dLLR6qlu5UJ5gk0dKz0h3') """ return spotify.Toplist( self, type=type, region=region, canonical_username=canonical_username, callback=callback, )
[docs]class SessionEvent(object): """Session events. Using the :class:`Session` object, you can register listener functions to be called when various session related events occurs. This class enumerates the available events and the arguments your listener functions will be called with. Example usage:: import spotify def logged_in(session, error_type): if error_type is spotify.ErrorType.OK: print('Logged in as %s' % session.user) else: print('Login failed: %s' % error_type) session = spotify.Session() session.on(spotify.SessionEvent.LOGGED_IN, logged_in) session.login('alice', 's3cret') All events will cause debug log statements to be emitted, even if no listeners are registered. Thus, there is no need to register listener functions just to log that they're called. """ LOGGED_IN = "logged_in" """Called when login has completed. Note that even if login has succeeded, that does not mean that you're online yet as libspotify may have cached enough information to let you authenticate with Spotify while offline. This event should be used to get notified about login errors. To get notified about the authentication and connection state, refer to the :attr:`SessionEvent.CONNECTION_STATE_UPDATED` event. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` :param error_type: the login error type :type error_type: :class:`ErrorType` """ LOGGED_OUT = "logged_out" """Called when logout has completed or there is a permanent connection error. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` """ METADATA_UPDATED = "metadata_updated" """Called when some metadata has been updated. There is no way to know what metadata was updated, so you'll have to refresh all you metadata caches. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` """ CONNECTION_ERROR = "connection_error" """Called when there is a connection error and libspotify has problems reconnecting to the Spotify service. May be called repeatedly as long as the problem persists. Will be called with an :attr:`ErrorType.OK` error when the problem is resolved. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` :param error_type: the connection error type :type error_type: :class:`ErrorType` """ MESSAGE_TO_USER = "message_to_user" """Called when libspotify wants to show a message to the end user. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` :param data: the message :type data: text """ NOTIFY_MAIN_THREAD = "notify_main_thread" """Called when processing on the main thread is needed. When this is called, you should call :meth:`~Session.process_events` from your main thread. Failure to do so may cause request timeouts, or a lost connection. .. warning:: This event is emitted from an internal libspotify thread. Thus, your event listener must not block, and must use proper synchronization around anything it does. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` """ MUSIC_DELIVERY = "music_delivery" """Called when there is decompressed audio data available. If the function returns a lower number of frames consumed than ``num_frames``, libspotify will retry delivery of the unconsumed frames in about 100ms. This can be used for rate limiting if libspotify is giving you audio data too fast. .. note:: You can register at most one event listener for this event. .. warning:: This event is emitted from an internal libspotify thread. Thus, your event listener must not block, and must use proper synchronization around anything it does. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` :param audio_format: the audio format :type audio_format: :class:`AudioFormat` :param frames: the audio frames :type frames: bytestring :param num_frames: the number of frames :type num_frames: int :returns: the number of frames consumed """ PLAY_TOKEN_LOST = "play_token_lost" """Music has been paused because an account only allows music to be played from one location simultaneously. When this event is emitted, you should pause playback. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` """ LOG_MESSAGE = "log_message" """Called when libspotify have something to log. Note that pyspotify logs this for you, so you'll probably never need to register a listener for this event. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` :param data: the message :type data: text """ END_OF_TRACK = "end_of_track" """Called when all audio data for the current track has been delivered. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` """ STREAMING_ERROR = "streaming_error" """Called when audio streaming cannot start or continue. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` :param error_type: the streaming error type :type error_type: :class:`ErrorType` """ USER_INFO_UPDATED = "user_info_updated" """Called when anything related to :class:`User` objects is updated. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` """ START_PLAYBACK = "start_playback" """Called when audio playback should start. You need to implement a listener for the :attr:`GET_AUDIO_BUFFER_STATS` event for the :attr:`START_PLAYBACK` event to be useful. .. warning:: This event is emitted from an internal libspotify thread. Thus, your event listener must not block, and must use proper synchronization around anything it does. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` """ STOP_PLAYBACK = "stop_playback" """Called when audio playback should stop. You need to implement a listener for the :attr:`GET_AUDIO_BUFFER_STATS` event for the :attr:`STOP_PLAYBACK` event to be useful. .. warning:: This event is emitted from an internal libspotify thread. Thus, your event listener must not block, and must use proper synchronization around anything it does. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` """ GET_AUDIO_BUFFER_STATS = "get_audio_buffer_stats" """Called to query the application about its audio buffer. .. note:: You can register at most one event listener for this event. .. warning:: This event is emitted from an internal libspotify thread. Thus, your event listener must not block, and must use proper synchronization around anything it does. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` :returns: an :class:`AudioBufferStats` instance """ OFFLINE_STATUS_UPDATED = "offline_status_updated" """Called when offline sync status is updated. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` """ CREDENTIALS_BLOB_UPDATED = "credentials_blob_updated" """Called when storable credentials have been updated, typically right after login. The ``blob`` argument can be stored and later passed to :meth:`~Session.login` to login without storing the user's password. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` :param blob: the authentication blob :type blob: bytestring """ CONNECTION_STATE_UPDATED = "connection_state_updated" """Called when the connection state is updated. The connection state includes login, logout, offline mode, etc. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` """ SCROBBLE_ERROR = "scrobble_error" """Called when there is a scrobble error event. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` :param error_type: the scrobble error type :type error_type: :class:`ErrorType` """ PRIVATE_SESSION_MODE_CHANGED = "private_session_mode_changed" """Called when there is a change in the private session mode. :param session: the current session :type session: :class:`Session` :param is_private: whether the session is private :type is_private: bool """
class _SessionCallbacks(object): """Internal class.""" @classmethod def get_struct(cls): return "sp_session_callbacks *", { "logged_in": cls.logged_in, "logged_out": cls.logged_out, "metadata_updated": cls.metadata_updated, "connection_error": cls.connection_error, "message_to_user": cls.message_to_user, "notify_main_thread": cls.notify_main_thread, "music_delivery": cls.music_delivery, "play_token_lost": cls.play_token_lost, "log_message": cls.log_message, "end_of_track": cls.end_of_track, "streaming_error": cls.streaming_error, "userinfo_updated": cls.user_info_updated, "start_playback": cls.start_playback, "stop_playback": cls.stop_playback, "get_audio_buffer_stats": cls.get_audio_buffer_stats, "offline_status_updated": cls.offline_status_updated, "credentials_blob_updated": cls.credentials_blob_updated, "connectionstate_updated": cls.connection_state_updated, "scrobble_error": cls.scrobble_error, "private_session_mode_changed": cls.private_session_mode_changed, }, ) # XXX Avoid use of the spotify._session_instance global in the following # callbacks. @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *, sp_error)") def logged_in(sp_session, sp_error): if not spotify._session_instance: return error_type = spotify.ErrorType(sp_error) if error_type == spotify.ErrorType.OK:"Spotify logged in") else: logger.error("Spotify login error: %r", error_type) spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.LOGGED_IN, spotify._session_instance, error_type ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *)") def logged_out(sp_session): if not spotify._session_instance: return"Spotify logged out") spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.LOGGED_OUT, spotify._session_instance ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *)") def metadata_updated(sp_session): if not spotify._session_instance: return logger.debug("Metadata updated") spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.METADATA_UPDATED, spotify._session_instance ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *, sp_error)") def connection_error(sp_session, sp_error): if not spotify._session_instance: return error_type = spotify.ErrorType(sp_error) logger.error("Spotify connection error: %r", error_type) spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.CONNECTION_ERROR, spotify._session_instance, error_type ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *, const char *)") def message_to_user(sp_session, data): if not spotify._session_instance: return data = utils.to_unicode(data).strip() logger.debug("Message to user: %s", data) spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.MESSAGE_TO_USER, spotify._session_instance, data ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *)") def notify_main_thread(sp_session): if not spotify._session_instance: return logger.debug("Notify main thread") spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.NOTIFY_MAIN_THREAD, spotify._session_instance ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("int(sp_session *, const sp_audioformat *, const void *, int)") def music_delivery(sp_session, sp_audioformat, frames, num_frames): if not spotify._session_instance: return 0 if spotify._session_instance.num_listeners(SessionEvent.MUSIC_DELIVERY) == 0: logger.debug("Music delivery, but no listener") return 0 audio_format = spotify.AudioFormat(sp_audioformat) frames_buffer = ffi.buffer(frames, audio_format.frame_size() * num_frames) frames_bytes = frames_buffer[:] num_frames_consumed = SessionEvent.MUSIC_DELIVERY, spotify._session_instance, audio_format, frames_bytes, num_frames, ) logger.debug( "Music delivery of %d frames, %d consumed", num_frames, num_frames_consumed, ) return num_frames_consumed @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *)") def play_token_lost(sp_session): if not spotify._session_instance: return logger.debug("Play token lost") spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.PLAY_TOKEN_LOST, spotify._session_instance ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *, const char *)") def log_message(sp_session, data): if not spotify._session_instance: return data = utils.to_unicode(data).strip() logger.debug("libspotify log message: %s", data) spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.LOG_MESSAGE, spotify._session_instance, data ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *)") def end_of_track(sp_session): if not spotify._session_instance: return logger.debug("End of track") spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.END_OF_TRACK, spotify._session_instance ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *, sp_error)") def streaming_error(sp_session, sp_error): if not spotify._session_instance: return error_type = spotify.ErrorType(sp_error) logger.error("Spotify streaming error: %r", error_type) spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.STREAMING_ERROR, spotify._session_instance, error_type ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *)") def user_info_updated(sp_session): if not spotify._session_instance: return logger.debug("User info updated") spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.USER_INFO_UPDATED, spotify._session_instance ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *)") def start_playback(sp_session): if not spotify._session_instance: return logger.debug("Start playback called") spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.START_PLAYBACK, spotify._session_instance ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *)") def stop_playback(sp_session): if not spotify._session_instance: return logger.debug("Stop playback called") spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.STOP_PLAYBACK, spotify._session_instance ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *, sp_audio_buffer_stats *)") def get_audio_buffer_stats(sp_session, sp_audio_buffer_stats): if not spotify._session_instance: return if ( spotify._session_instance.num_listeners(SessionEvent.GET_AUDIO_BUFFER_STATS) == 0 ): logger.debug("Audio buffer stats requested, but no listener") return logger.debug("Audio buffer stats requested") stats = SessionEvent.GET_AUDIO_BUFFER_STATS, spotify._session_instance ) sp_audio_buffer_stats.samples = stats.samples sp_audio_buffer_stats.stutter = stats.stutter @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *)") def offline_status_updated(sp_session): if not spotify._session_instance: return logger.debug("Offline status updated") spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.OFFLINE_STATUS_UPDATED, spotify._session_instance ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *, const char *)") def credentials_blob_updated(sp_session, data): if not spotify._session_instance: return data = ffi.string(data) logger.debug("Credentials blob updated: %r", data) spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.CREDENTIALS_BLOB_UPDATED, spotify._session_instance, data, ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *)") def connection_state_updated(sp_session): if not spotify._session_instance: return logger.debug("Connection state updated") spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.CONNECTION_STATE_UPDATED, spotify._session_instance ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *, sp_error)") def scrobble_error(sp_session, sp_error): if not spotify._session_instance: return error_type = spotify.ErrorType(sp_error) logger.error("Spotify scrobble error: %r", error_type) spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.SCROBBLE_ERROR, spotify._session_instance, error_type ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_session *, bool)") def private_session_mode_changed(sp_session, is_private): if not spotify._session_instance: return is_private = bool(is_private) status = "private" if is_private else "public" logger.debug("Private session mode changed: %s", status) spotify._session_instance.emit( SessionEvent.PRIVATE_SESSION_MODE_CHANGED, spotify._session_instance, is_private, )