Source code for spotify.error

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from spotify import lib, serialized, utils

__all__ = ["Error", "ErrorType", "LibError", "Timeout"]

[docs]class Error(Exception): """A Spotify error. This is the superclass of all custom exceptions raised by pyspotify. """ @classmethod def maybe_raise(cls, error_type, ignores=None): """Raise an :exc:`LibError` unless the ``error_type`` is :attr:`ErrorType.OK` or in the ``ignores`` list of error types. Internal method. """ ignores = set(ignores or []) ignores.add(ErrorType.OK) if error_type not in ignores: raise LibError(error_type)
[docs]@utils.make_enum("SP_ERROR_") class ErrorType(utils.IntEnum): pass
[docs]class LibError(Error): """A libspotify error. Where many libspotify functions return error codes that must be checked after each and every function call, pyspotify raises the :exc:`LibError` exception instead. This helps you to not accidentally swallow and hide errors when using pyspotify. """ error_type = None """The :class:`ErrorType` of the error.""" @serialized def __init__(self, error_type): self.error_type = error_type message = utils.to_unicode(lib.sp_error_message(error_type)) super(Error, self).__init__(message) def __eq__(self, other): return self.error_type == getattr(other, "error_type", None) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
for attr in dir(lib): if attr.startswith("SP_ERROR_"): name = attr.replace("SP_ERROR_", "") error_no = getattr(lib, attr) setattr(LibError, name, LibError(error_no))
[docs]class Timeout(Error): """Exception raised by an operation not completing within the given timeout.""" def __init__(self, timeout): message = "Operation did not complete in %.3fs" % timeout super(Timeout, self).__init__(message)